Member-only story
It’s time to talk about poor PR….
This week in the UK there’s been one story which has dominated the national media’s agenda and, unsurprisingly, it’s related to Covid-19, the dreaded Corona Virus.
Has it been about the continued death toll, the infection rate or the sterling work still being done in the UK by key workers? No, it’s been about the actions of one man and this has been a classic case of bad PR in my view. It’s made the Government look ridiculous at a time when following government guidelines is even more critical as lockdown lifts.
First I should say that I don’t know Mr Dominic Cummings. I have never met him, never interviewed him and frankly until the last few years had not heard of him. It’s been over 13 years since I worked very closely with MPs in the South West of the UK so I’ve been out of the Westminster bubble for a while now. Even then I was a very small cog in a very big wheel of television coverage.
With that in mind, I make no personal comment on this man who is also a husband, a father and a son. What I make comment on is the tone and pitch of this whole episode which all comes together to undermine trust and which, I believe, will be seen as one of the lowest points for our current government during this tortuous period.
Mr Cummings, a government adviser and close friend, it’s claimed, of our Prime Minister Boris…