WHAT’S IN A NAME?…who commented on the name you chose for your child?

Fiona Scott
5 min readJun 11, 2021
Did choosing a name for your child lead to rows and arguments?

The Royal watchers are out in force in the UK about the name Prince Harry and his wife the Duchess of Sussex have chosen for their daughter — Lilibet Diana.

It’s well known that our Queen has always been known by a few of those closest to her as Lilibet and Prince Harry’s mum was, of course, Diana. Next year it will be 25 years since she passed away and also the year of the Platinum Jubilee — oh the irony of that clash of anniversaries!

There’s talk of Royal rifts and arguments, even some talk of threats of legal action by the Duke & Duchess of Sussex. It’s not clear why to me. Here’s just one article of many.

As a journalist I know how much air-time and column inches, on and off line, Royal news gets.

This latest situation reminds me that actually there is a lot of emotion in a name and for those of us tasked with choosing names for our children it can be a minefield. At the end of the day though, it’s not anyone else’s business but our’s. This couple, who I’ve not met, never interviewed…



Fiona Scott

Fiona has been a UK journalist for more than 30 years as well as being a freelance tv producer director. She’s also had her own media consultancy since 2008.